Proclaiming Christ to the Community and the World


Committed to the Sovereignty of God, the Authority of the Scriptures, and the Lordship of Jesus Christ

Sunday School

  • Adult Sunday School will resume in September 

Sunday Worship  

  • 10:45 AM in person or on Zoom

Operation Christmas Child  

National Collection Week 2024: November 18th – 25th

Who We Are


Our sole purpose is to bring honor and glory to the Triune God, which we do through worship, evangelism and the nurture of individual believers.


Our vision is to represent Christ with integrity and compassion. The two really go hand in hand. It goes without saying that integrity involves both personal and corporate morality, but that is only the beginning. It also means that we must be willing to move beyond a proclivity to the superficial. Jesus was not afraid of the hard questions. We must not be afraid of them either. If the gospel is really true, then it will stand up to every test.


It is our goal to see men, women and children come to a personal saving relationship with Jesus Christ, for we believe that there is no other hope in a fallen world. It is also our desire to see every believer nurtured in their faith so as to increasingly reflect the character of Jesus in all their dealings and relationships.


We believe that worship must have a Godward direction first, and be experience oriented only second.

The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference

We are a member of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference. 
“The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference is a theologically conservative denomination believing strongly in the autonomy of each local church under the headship of Christ. Our member churches include those who are Congregational, Christian, and Evangelical and Reformed in their background, as well as independent Community churches. Our member ministers also come from diverse backgrounds. Though we are solidly committed to the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, we allow for diversity in many areas where Christians have tended to disagree. Though our members hold strong biblical convictions, we do not believe that Christians should divide over secondary issues. As an evangelical denomination, in obedience to Jesus Christ, we work together to advance the kingdom of our Lord through evangelism, church planting and missions.”