As we are a Congregational church with Presbyterian roots (actually historic Congregationalism and Presbyterianism were very close) we have our feet in Reformed theology. We hold dear those historic Reformed confessions such as the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Savoy Declaration, and believe them to be an accurate reflection of the Bible’s teachings.
We believe that the Scriptures, contained in the Old and New Testaments, are the Word of God, and that as such they are the all sufficient rule of faith and practice for the individual believer and the church.
We believe there is only one living and true God, subsisting in three distinct persons equal in power and glory, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and that this triune God created, upholds, and governs all things to His own honor and glory.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary.
We believe that man was created in the image of God; that in Adam he sinned so that from henceforth all men are born in sin, being by nature incapable of pleasing God and inclined to all evil; and that he is therefore subject to death and the eternal anger of God.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only Savior, Who, through His sinless life, the shedding of His blood in death, and His bodily resurrection, made atonement for sin, secured the pardon of sins, and obtained fellowship and eternal life with God for every believer.
We believe that faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior and acceptance of Him as Lord is the only way by which men can have eternal life.
We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts men of sin, leads them to repent, regenerates the soul, and gives faith in Jesus Christ; and that He thereafter indwells every believer, comforting and guiding him throughout his earthly life.
We believe that the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper were instituted by Christ and were given to the church to be observed until He comes again.
We believe that Christ will return to this earth visible and bodily, in power and in glory.
We believe that every true believer is eternally secure and that nothing can separate him from the love of God which is his by faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe that the church must actively obey the command of Christ to go and make disciples of all nations.
Grace Church Congregational, Pittsfield, MA (413)443-2575