Missions Corner-Jews for Jesus
Tuvya reports that he has two significant projects ahead.
“First, I am writing a follow-up outreach booklet for Jewish-Gentile couples. It will introduce them to avenues for finding spiritual harmony in Christ. Please pray for the Lord’s guidance in the material and production of the booklet.
The other project is with the Jews for Jesus leadership ‘team at the top,’ a specialized cross-generational leadership team. Please pray for the Lord’s wisdom on this team and His purpose through it.
Ellen and I were delighted to celebrate the New Year and new life in Jesus with a Jewish-Gentile couple. He came to faith in Christ during 2016. We are trusting the Lord for more spiritual fruit just like him during 2017! So thank you for partnering with us in this ministry reaching Jews for Jesus.”
Your brother in our Messiah,
Tuvya Zaretsky– Jews for Jesus