Upcoming Events: September


Our fall schedule resumes on Sunday, September 8th, with Sunday School for children and adults at 9:30 am., and worship at 10:45 a.m.


Men of all ages are invited to meet for a time of study, discussion, and prayer on Saturday, September 21st, from 7-8:30 a.m. Location to be announced. Light refreshments will be served.


Our monthly prayer time for the ministry of our church will continue into the fall.  Our next time of corporate prayer will be Sunday, September 15th, from 5:00-6:00 p.m.


Remember our students as they return to their studies this fall.  Pray for Cindy’s son Aaron Durkee at Worcester Polytech. Pray also for our younger students, that they all would grow in grace and knowledge this coming year.  Uphold also those in our congregation who work in the public schools, that they would be as salt and light.


Thank you to those who do various things to beautify our church’s meeting place. Thank you to Louise Charron who cross-stitched a picture for one of our Sunday School rooms. Thank you also to Elizabeth Barbour for her photographs and poems decorating our library.  Millie DeVos and Linda Poulton faithfully clean the church, and tend the flower beds. Daniel Kouao keeps our lawn mowed, and Julie Ross and Mary Neff supply flowers for the sanctuary.  We appreciate you!


We look forward to the joy of receiving new members on Sunday, September 8th during our morning worship service. We also look forward to the baptism of Valentine Benjamin as her family joins Grace Church next Sunday.


Ladies, save the date of Saturday, November 9th for a special gathering of women for all ages.  The theme will be “Gift and Gratitude.”  We will look at Scripture, have opportunity for testimony, prayer, and have fellowship over lunch.  More details to follow in the next newsletter.  So save the date and stay tuned!  For more information see Cheryl Lanoue or Charleen Bridgman.


Pastor Tom will be teaching the adult Sunday school class for the fall quarter. It will be a basic survey of the Old Testament, looking at its history and flow, and for how its message fits into God’s plan of redemption in Jesus. A study Bible with maps will be helpful, and if you do not have one, Pastor Tom can make some recommendations. See you September 8th, at 9:30 in the library!

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